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In my efforts to please Betty, I had given myself a raging hard-on, one I needed to use! Betty was completely relaxed to my touch, and a very beautiful sight to see. They looked at us, smiled and started to removing their clothes. All of a sudden the door opened and in walked Sandy and her daughter. I was transfixed by the sight of her round breasts, slim waist, and the fuzz between her legs. I pretend sometimes it is me seducing him instead of the other way around, as if I hold some secret power he can't resist, that just being around me cracks his tough business exterior and what's inside is pure desire for me. Mature Escorts Chicago "Can I have you to eat?" was my reply. After we got dried off and got dressed we went down to the kitchen to get some breakfast. Dee then took hold of the top and raised it up exposing the dark nipple with milk dripping from them. He brings me just to the edge of coming, his tongue working just around my clit, fingers gliding along the outside of my cunt, his warm breath painting my thighs. Betty's head was back against the tube, peeking through her eyelids at me, giving me pause to wonder what she was thinking. Mature Escorts Chicago Betty quickly served the chicken she had grilled, and sat down across the table from me. I was really working my tongue on her when she started letting out those really high pitched shrieks. It was light blue with purple accents. As she started down the hall, I called out that I was going out to the pool, getting an "ok" in response. She chuckled as the cum ran down on to her massive tits. Mature Escorts Chicago mature teachers with heavy boobs . I was 49 years old at the time going on the urges of a 30 old male.

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